Caseificio Montrone
Burrata di Andria PGI with leaf 500g
Product Code : MG00191500
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It is the expert hands of our cheesemakers which give life to this delicacy. The Burrata di Andria P.G.I. from Caseificio Montrone is handmade in its entirety. Before making the "pouch", the master cheesemakers produce the stracciatella, shredding the stretched curd unevenly by hand and then dipping it in the cream. Separately, they give shape to the pouch of stretched curd: firm, resistant and consistent to just the right degree, it is filled with "stracciatella" and tied with raffia. This is how the "head" that characterises Burrata di Andria P.G.I. takes shape: the typical apical closure is the distinctive mark that underlines the artisan production process.