
Campania – Città di Napoli (Napoli city)
What to say of Our region, with magnificent coasts, including the islands of the Gulf of Naples. The Tyrrhenian Sea flows through this land, the Gulf of Salerno, the Amalfi Coast, the Cilento coast, Sorrento and the islands of Capri, Ischia, and Procida. A land full of history, you just think about Pompei, Naples, Benevento, places you can see and feel traditions of a glorious past, practically at each step. Cuisine is a mix of tradition and innovation; everybody knows Pizza and its unique,delicious and tri-coloured ingredients such as tomato sauce, basil and mozzarella cheese, adding extra virgin olive oil at the end. Born thanks to Her Majesty Margherita Di Savoia, Pizza is a symbol of Neapolitan tradition, but lately our renowned chef, are giving to this product a great support in innovation, experiencing new and outstanding ingredients. But Campania is rich of other wonderful products like Buffalo Mozzarella, Paestum’s artichokes, Spring onions from Agro Nocerino, San Marzano DOP Tomato, the Lemon from Amalfi Coast, which is the specific ingredient to make the Limoncello, special liqueur, and perfect especially after a good and abundant meal. Spaghetti - preferably of Gragnano-, so popular and appreciated in Asia, represent without any doubt the most known and appreciated Pasta in the world. Great is also the confectionery industry with its specialties. On the podium we do have the Baba, Sfogliatella and Pastiera. Impossible not to mention the fruits, as Chestnut, Annurca Apple and Hazelnuts, better if from Sorrento origin. Last but not least, the wines, such as Aglianico, Fiano and Greco di Tufo. Campania, amazing, creative and gorgeous land of contradictions, offers one of the most exceptional culinary cultures of the whole Country.